TecnoUnisc is a production and technology management environment focused on all its working fields. It is a positive environment for the development of innovation, entrepreneurial and technology based companies. It concentrates in establishing activities that will promote interaction between research activities and development, creating, this way, innovative products, processes and services. This happens because there is a continuous flow of knowledge and technology being exchanged among university, business companies, State and society. Nowadays, TecnoUnisc has support from the Center of Excellence in Oil chemistry and Biotechnology and the Research and Development Center for Technologically Innovative Businesses.
Working fields:
- Biotechnology;
- Oil chemistry;
- Environmental Technology;
- Information and Communication Technology;
- Industrial Systems and Processes Technology.
International fields of interest:
TecnoUnisc seeks to establish partnerships with businesses, Universities, Research Institutions and technology parks abroad which commonly work in the same research and innovation segments as UNISC.
Businesses supported by TecnoUnisc:
- Innovative, entrepreneurial and sustainable technology based companies;
- Business that already invest in innovation and technology or wish to do it;
- Entrepreneurs ready to start a business focused on innovation and technology;
- Companies incubated at ITUNISC (Technology Incubator of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul);
- Organizations represented by technology based companies.
Coordinator: Rafael Kirst
Phone number: (55-51) 3717-7751
E-mail address: rkirst@unisc.br; or incubadora@unisc.br ; or tecnounisc@unisc.br